Vedic Astrology Consultancy


Vedic Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth.

This will be a Zoom consult.

  • October 2024
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Vedic Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth.

Astrology is without doubt the original science, the oldest of the systems of knowledge devised by human beings. It is the science of fate and destiny explaining events happening on earth.

Vedic Astrology consultancy is about an hour long personal consultancy with Dr.Raghav Pathak,

Vedic Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another. The aspects formed between the planets describe these relationships, the positions of the planets in relation to the place of birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted by the astrological houses. By interpreting the roles of these players (the planets) and their qualities (the elements, signs and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrology is able to present a complete and comprehensive picture of the person and his potential, based on the natal horoscope.

What do you need for a Vedic Astrology Consultation?

Your exact Birth date, Your exact Birth time, your exact birth place or nearby known city and country.

What can you expect or ask during such consultation from Dr.Raghav?

Here are some Sample Questions, which you can choose during you Vedic Astrology consultation with Dr.Raghav


  • How can I have more fun in my life?
  • Why do I suddenly feel like shit all the time? Things were great a year ago.
  • How can I better express my true self in the world? What does that even mean for me, anyway?
  • How do I light a fire under my own butt to become more productive?
  • What kinds of adventures would invigorate and inspire me?
  • Why do I feel compelled to drink so much lately? (or do drugs, or have depressing sex, or stay up until 4am on YouTube…)
  • How can I get my act together? I can’t even get to my job on time, let alone keep the dishes washed or establish a regular exercise regime to improve my health over the long haul.
  • How can I understand and work with this fear (of _____)?
  • What’s up with this creative block, and what can I do about it?

Relationships and sex

  • How do I make my relationship work better?
  • How do I find a relationship that will actually make me happy? What should I be looking for? What should I avoid? What awesome things do I have to offer that I am blind to?
  • I’m thinking of marrying my partner. Is that a good idea?
  • I’m thinking of divorcing my partner. Is it a good idea?
  • Why do I cheat on all my partners, and how can I change that? Do I need to change that?
  • How can I understand and recover from this breakup/divorce?
  • Is it okay that I don’t really care about romantic relationships?
  • How can I understand and work with this fear of intimacy?
  • How can I have a fulfilling sex life?
  • How can I stop being distracted by sex so I can do and think about other stuff?

Money, work, power

  • Why can’t I seem to hold onto money the way some people can? How can I change that?
  • I’m thinking about changing jobs. Is it a good idea?
  • Work sucks, and always has. What kind of job would i be good at, that would make me happy, and make me lots of money?
  • What would it take for me to start a successful business?
  • I lost my job. How do I make the most of it?
  • How can I relate to authority (mine and/or others’) in a way that doesn’t feel like living in a war zone?
  • I’m afraid of my own aggression. How can I better understand and manage it?
  • I am afraid to assert myself. What’s that about, and what can I do to empower myself?
  • Why do my business negotiations keep falling apart? What can I do about it?
  • What would it take for me to become famous? Would I even like fame if it happened?

Transitions, trauma

  • I’m starting college (or going back to college). How do I make the most of it? How do I manage my anxiety about it?
  • I am about to have, or just had, a child, and I’m kind of freaking out. Help?
  • I’m really sick. How can I manage this gracefully?
  • I just lost, or am about to lose, a loved one. How can I heal and find meaning in this?
  • How can I understand and recover from this rape or other traumatic experience?
  • What lessons can I take from this (whatever it is) so that it doesn’t suck quite so much?


  • What can I learn about my child that will help me be a more understanding and supportive parent?
  • Which patterns from my family of origin am I carrying forward into my life? Which ones are working for me, which aren’t, and how can I work with them more consciously?
  • How can I understand and heal my relationship with my family?

Friends, community, world

  • What kind of community can I join or create to feel more at home?
  • Why do I feel so drained by my friends?
  • How can I improve my communication skills with the people I care about?
  • How can I improve my communication skills with the public at large?
  • How can I be a better support for the people I care about?
  • How can I better serve the cause or ideal for which I’m an activist?



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